
Integrated Wayfinding for Tech Client

Redmond, WA

Integrated Wayfinding for Tech Client

Redmond, WA

Inspired by the 7-story workplace building’s “natural network” design concept, Bora’s EGD team designed a series of custom patterns that represent the layers of the forest while connecting to the tech company’s growth mindset culture. Starting with the root layer at Level One and working up to the emergent layer at Level Seven, custom wallcovering patterns surround dimensional wood numbers recessed in the wall at each elevator landing, giving every floor a visual and tactile expression inspired by that floor’s “layer.” The recessed numbers offer a perpetual sense of the forest structure at the heart of the building. 

L1 Root Layer: Collaboration
L2 Forest Floor Layer: Iteration
L3 Herbaceous Layer: Resiliency
L4 Bark Layer: Investigation
L5 Understory Layer: Support
L6 Canopy Layer: Diversity
L7 Emergent Layer: Breakthrough 

In each of the three stairwells, larger-than-life illustrations display sign language that spells out the level of each floor, using color to identify which stairwell employees are in within the building. Not only do the large, colorful graphics draw users into the space and provide an opportunity to learn a new communication tool, but they also celebrate the tech company’s focus on creating tools that enable all modes of communication.  

In the 4-level parking garage, a continuous power cord graphic bends, wraps, and folds to create a series of numbers and symbols with a different accent color per floor to aid in wayfinding.  


CREO Industrial Arts