
Confidential Tech Client Experiential Graphics

Redmond, WA

Confidential Tech Client Experiential Graphics

Redmond, WA

Drawing inspiration from the cloud-based teams working in the building, we created moments that express computing technology in tactile expressions throughout the space.

In the lobby, 2,000+ wooden dowels are suspended from nearly invisible wires as a cloud form, expressing the parallels between data clouds amassing individual points of information and natural clouds as a collection of individual molecules.

The main corridors on each floor are lined with a continuous band of white tiles that wrap the ceiling. Starting with an abacus pattern on level one, each of the six floors showcases a different surface pattern that references the evolution of computing over time.

On the exterior, a series of three “pods” and updated landscaping rejuvenate a neglected concrete plaza, transforming the once-unused space into a destination amenity. To add interest and reinforce the plaza’s informal nature, the design team included a series of “Easter eggs”–hidden messages in landscape elements and wayfinding features that reference the company’s computing and gaming culture.

